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# Artificial ecosystem 
Brave New World v2.2A 

Monkey mod for "SMA" 10.4 and above. This is the playable version in a night setting of the HDRP demo from Unity 2022 LTS. 

Included in this mod is a quick tutorial on how to set up any mod from Unity to SMA. 10.4

I'd love to hear your feedback. at 

SMA from Tvalle


Monkey  from Thora 

in the #Modding section, in the pinned messages.


Virtual holiday

# Artificial ecosystem 
Virtual holiday

Loading up the game, entering the vividly rendered world of ancient Egypt. Instead of quests to battle enemies, my aim here is to take pictures. All those pictures have been taken in the real-time game.

Venturing to photograph the pyramids, scaling high vantages, planning epic shots. crawling within each museum, seeking anything I could flash.

Though it's just a game, my mind is blown away by the work that those artists. Avoiding every fight, and this is not always possible. I'm a traveller on a peaceful mission.

My excitement is about playing a different game. where we are not psychopathic killers. This is the photo Mod

inside Assassin's_Creed_Origins

The white room
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